Tuesday, April 24, 2007

PowerPoint: Digital storytelling overview...


A number of you from the Teaching, Technology and Learning workshop last Saturday (4/21/07) have requested a copy of my PowerPoint presentation about new media narrative and digital storytelling in education. I'm happy to provide access to it here for you, as well as the others who subscribe to this web journal. Click here to download it.

Also, many of the resources I referenced during the workshop are available through www.jasonohler.com/storytelling. My new media narrative and digital storytelling resources are divided into three parts:

- Storytelling, literacy and learning
- The art of storytelling
- Techniques and technology of digital storytelling

If you can't find what you are looking for please let me know.

Questions or comments?

Kind regards.

- Jason

1 comment:

Anthony Day said...


Looking forward to talking about some of your ideas at Mike's wedding. We may finally be ready to move in this direction.

Tony Day